Wednesday, October 23, 2019


I received a call this morning. The person on the other side was so excited and exuberant. The words kept pouring out of his mouth. A mixture of Luganda and English (don’t mind the tenses). You see, the caller on the other side of the phone had slept -like a baby- the night before. Period!

‘Slept well?’ You might ask. ‘I do that each day’ you might think. Not so for the many people that inhabit this earth. Some are sick, some are in prison, some have no beds, some have no land, some have nothing to use to sleep, some have floods in their rooms, and others – like the caller on the other side of the phone – have no roof over their heads!

You see, the animated fellow on the other side has been having more holes than iron roof over his small room. He didn’t have the money to replace the roof. The rainy season we are experiencing, which is a joy to the plants and crops he cultivates, is not a joy to him and his wife at night. The heavier the rains, the more miserable his life gets especially in those cold nights when they stand awake and blinking in their dark room

Today though, he had slept well. ‘Very well’ he said. The speckled mabati roof had been replaced with new corrugated iron sheets. He couldn’t thank me enough for the intervention. I think I blushed as he spoke. That there is my CBOM moment – Church begins on Monday

What are you doing to make a difference – however small – in the lives of others?

1 comment:

Thank you so much for your comment. I will try to respond to it as soon as possible.