Wednesday, October 23, 2019

YOLO –You Only Live Once

I once listened to a talk by T.D Jakes called Maximise the Moment. The title speaks for itself. So is the adage – You Only Live Once.

Often times we wait for the right time to make a compliment or to give to a just cause or to say hello to the stranger on the daily commute to work or even clear up the rubbish until it is too late to do much about it.  Often culture has conditioned us not to offend or to disturb others but most of these opportunities never return to us. It is said that fortune knocks once at the door. To an extent, this is true. This is because on some occasions, we might be given a second chance to make things right. Why however should we wait for that unlikely chance when we can get it right the fist time?

A dear friend of mine has just concluded a fundraising drive to take his daughter for a rare medical procedure. He told me that he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life wondering whether the procedure would or would not have worked. He opted to try against all odds and the Lord has opened the door. We await the testimony.  I recall a friend who was seriously ill and subsequently passed away. On more than one occasion, I postponed visiting him because I was busy with one or another thing and indeed I failed to get the chance to do so. I would have really loved to say thank you to him for the many things he did well for me. I wish I could reverse the clock and just say what an awesome person he was. How could I claim to be his friend and yet never visited him in his hour of greatest need? Some of us have people to forgive, books to write, friends to meet, parents to bless, farms to cultivate, indigent persons to bless, etc but we are not making that required step to do so. As a result, the environment suffers, relationships get worse, health deteriorates, ignorance is propagated etc.

Missed opportunities have such lasting legacies in our personal lives and the lives of others. Whenever we fail to do what we should have done or postpone it for the zenith time (procrastinate), we set in motion a number of undesired consequences.

Procrastinate the procrastination. YOLO


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