Thursday, April 30, 2020

Of Hymns and burials

Of Hymns and burials

I shouldn’t trust my childhood memory that much but all seemed to happen very fast. I recall a big number of people appeared in our compound that evening. My mind cannot see their faces anymore but they were many. Some seated, others standing, while some busied themselves with this and the other.

Kaaka had been staying with us for a while. She had been bedridden and therefore I never saw her stand up. On one or two occasions, we had visited her in the hospital. I recall her sleeping on white sheets on the hospital bed. I could hardly see her face. I was still short. I recall fearing to approach her though. I wonder why. I have seen kids do that too. Then on one of those days, Mom and auntie Monica rushed into the house in tears. There was something major that had gone wrong. I can only recall Mom pray. ‘Oh God, you always tell us to give thanks at all times’ she cried. ‘How do I do it now?’ she moaned. It is probably one of my first Scriptures to remember to date. “In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18.

We were too young to know the details of it all. At least I was too young. We figured out that Kaaka had passed away. Suddenly the sunlight in the sitting room seemed to fade. I was probably too young to cry but the memory lingers on. At some point Dad was now home, planning to inform our school that we shall skip classes for a few days, and then the people started arriving. We kids were hardly noticed. People huddled in groups. The evening fire was lit in the compound. What a huge log of fire it was. I must have lingered on in the night a bit. Seated with an Uncle or someone. I must have dozed off at some point. How did we sleep in that house? I wonder

(To be continued)

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