Thursday, January 30, 2020


- SCENE 1 –

Time check: Beyond time

Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!
They have eaten the fruit!
A breach as you had destined Sir

Call up the Holy chariots
We need to repair the breach
Too late Sir -
The Man has eaten it too-
He too was with her
They are at the tree of Good and Evil

Expectedly …
Assemble the Royal Chariots
Assemble the Royal Chariots

Archangel alert
The Almighty King descends from the Throne
Mighty rush of wings and Holy feet in the Mighty Courtyard

Son to Father: As Planned My Father….
Father to Son: – As Planned Son….

Holy Chariots puts to flight
Michael and the Host of Heaven
Follow suit
Guarding in full armour
Descent upon the Earth

Attention! Attention!
Abba Force is on its way
Full blast  -
(Takes like a second for a light year’s journey)

- SCENE 2 –
Adam, Adam…..
All Creation bows in response
The Trees and flowers respond to the Almighty Light
The Birds, Lions Giraffes all recently named
Bow to the presence and sound of His Mighty voice
Whispering in the trees and stones
“Behind the grey rock Sir,” the frog croaks
“Over here, Sir,” the grass directs
Adam, Adam…..
Man steps out
Woman behind him
They cover their loins
“We were afraid,” Adam stammers
“We were naked,” Eve stutters
The All-Knowing asks
“Did you eat of the fruit …..”
“The woman you gave me…..” Adam begins
“The Snake tempted me…” Eve rejoins
The blame game starts
The halo on their heads has disappeared
The slithering creature is stopped short by Sgt. Mongoose
It feels victorious as it tries to exit
A breach has occurred afterall

A gulf has appeared between the Almighty and the Creation
The conversations they had enjoyed
The fellowship
The walk in the beautiful garden
The jokes about who decided on the length of the rabbit tail
Suddenly stopped by The Breach…

Gloom descends fast
Judgement is being given
Eternal separation
Demons – fallen angels- rejoice
They shall not ;enjoy’ damnation alone
A good rebuttal from the shellacking they received
From Michael and the Mighty Host of Heaven

For Adam
Its Eviction from the Garden
Light cannot mix Darkness and dread
Blood is shed
Animal Skins to cover the nakedness
To toil
To labour
Terrible pain at child birth
Sweat to till the land
That hitherto bore fruit in grace
Angels of death and judgement hover over the duo
Animals are henceforth killed
For reprieve of sin
Only for the sin to appear
More than before!

- SCENE 3 –

Bizarre celebration in hell
Smell of sulphur, ammonia and endless fighting
In a slithery voice, the Evil one grins –
We did it!!!

Increase in pain and suffering
Death tolls rise
Eternal damnation for many
Demons possess men
Jealousy demons enters Cain
Abel is slain
Cain is banished
Blood everywhere as evil on earth increases
Man forms a type of godliness to reach heaven –
But the divide is too wide
All attempts to redeem his authority
And relationship with the Almighty is fails

Evil kings rule
Witchcraft -
Human sacrifice
Slavery by Pharaoh
Hard Hearts
10 Commandments fail
Earth swallows rebels
Resistance everywhere

They were in charge
Cries of torment, early death, blindness
Leprosy, Evil everywhere
For hundreds of years they ruled

- SCENE 4 –

Father to Son:
I cannot bear to look upon the Earth
Your mission, if you’ll accept it …
Is to enter into Earth again
Not as creator this time
As lowly subject
You’ll be subjected to their temptations
You’ll forgo your royal privileges
You’ll be born in a lowly manger
We need you to blend in
and take back the Authority
Repair The Breach
Be born to a virgin by the power of the Holy Spirit
Organise a team of 12
Ensure the mission is accomplished
Even when you are done rebuilding the breach

Son to Father:
Yes Father, as planned before the Creation

- SCENE 5 –

In their gluttonous sleep
Chewing on bones of your babes
Farting from the joys of cancerous deaths
A bright light appeared
Too bright to be normal for their darkened eyes
The Blast of the Trumpet so loud
Sending earthquakes in their Unholy places

They had earlier missed the prophetic writings
“Unto us a child is born,
And His name shall be called
Wonderful Counsellor - ”
They forgot HIS word never returns to HIM void
The planning had never stopped

It was only awaiting the fullness of time –
They missed the special enjoy Gabriel before Mary
“You shall bear a child
You shall call him Messiah”
She had reprimanded
“Be it unto me as you say …”
They did not see it coming –
It was a young virgin girl after all

They forgot in Bethlehem in Judaea
They ignored the Chess game HE was playing
HE the Grand Chess master
The Exquisite Inventor
Alpha and Omega
HE who sees the end before the beginning

As they tormented helpless men in caves and graveyards
And scourged the chosen of the Land
They missed the lowly Manger
The Method of Operation had been clear
Enter into Earth
Assume human nature
Cry, Suckle the breast and be raised by Mary and Joseph

The demons had slept on the job
Even when the Wise Men set off from the East
Following the rather large star
They were grovelling in the dark
Scavenging on diseased bones
Playing evil games on Mankind
So when the heavenly Hosts appeared
Announcing the birth of the one who would repair The Breach
The shivered in horror
They had been caught
Unready, Unaware, Unprepared

They sent emissaries to Herold
To spy out the birth and kill the Young Prince of Peace
The Wise men were too wise
To disobey the angelic visions
They never disclosed the location of the rebuilder of The Breach –

Hordes of bloodthirsty demons
Sent to extinguish the King
Possessed Herold’s soldiers
Only to shed hundreds of more innocent blood
As the angelic emissaries
Had forewarned Joseph and Mary
Transporting them to Egypt
Only to return
When Herold was dead

Unfazed by earthly temptation
Which the hairy, smelly one offered to the GREAT SACRIFICE
“Though shall not tempt the Lord thy God …..”
“You shall have no other god but ME…..”
“Depart from me, you Evil stinky loser “
Slimy thing……
And so pleasing was HE
For having OBEYED the will
The Commissioning and Ordination was done
“This is my son, in whom I am well pleased!!

The battle had been lost
The blind could see
 The deaf could hear
Lazarus was out of the tomb
The widower’s son too
Limbs were delivered Express
From the Heavenly Stores
Water to wine
The roaring Sea is calmed

- SCENE 6 –

In the last attempt
As if playing right into the hands
Of the Great Chess Player
First the dedicated Peter
Tries to dissuade HIM
“Get behind me Satan!”
Then a bribe to Judas to deliver the Lamb to the Slaughter
In that last moment of weakness
At the Great Sacrifice ahead
“Father, if it were possible, take this cup of suffering to be drunk by someone else”
Yet not my will but Yours
The shriek of excitement by the demon of fear was cut in mid voice

The Temple Guard come to arrest
The sliced ear by Peter is restored
The Lamb is ready
With amazing brilliance at the Court of the High Priest
With Eloquence of response before Herod Agrippa
The sheer will before Pontius Pilate
“I find nothing wrong with this Man,” Pilate pleaded
Then fear for His job
“His blood is on your Hands”
As though to confirm the consideration
For the soon to be GREAT PURCHASE

Like ignorant kids playing with a venomous snake
The demons scream with excitement
The Lord of Lords is to be slaughtered
The plot thickens
The death warrant is signed
By Pilate’s shaky hands
In spite of the warnings from his wife
Who had been visited by an angel at night –
Judas realises his great error
More Blood for the demons on the Suicidal tree

Pilate tries one last time
Get him whipped as enough punishment for a rubble rouser
His flesh is torn from His body
His face is unrecognisable
Cheeks and beard plucked from his handsome features
No beauty left in Him
His ribs and bones exposed
In a bloody mess
“The plowers plowed His back”
“By His Stripes we were Healed”
He can cry no more
He is about to bleed to death
He is presented to the crowd
“Behold the King of the Jews” Pilate says
The demons shriek,
“Crucify Him!!!”
“Crucify Him!!!”
“Crucify Him!!!”
Their blood thirsty throats now revealed
The evil in the eyes of the crowd is palpable

Barnabas, the villain, is let loose
Off to Golgotha
For the Great Sacrifice
Simeon helps with the Cross now
The mothers cry to comfort Jesus
“Cry for yourselves and your children,” HE says

- SCENE 7 –

On the Hill
He is stripped naked
Nailed to the tree
“Cursed is the man who hangs on the tree”
Long nails
Driven into his wrists
He is too weak to cry loud
Hardly manages
One painful breath after the other
The Pharisees taunt Him
The Almighty Watches His Beloved son
Mary too weeps silently
She knows why
Suddenly all the evil venom and pain of the World
Descends upon the Cross
Filthy, putrefying smell, dark,
Slimy, a thick blanket of evil on His shoulders –
All the demons descend upon Him
They jubilate
Their excreta can be smelt by the Heavenly beings
The Father turns His face away
A huge tear of love drops on the earth
The Son senses the abandonment
The loneliness
The hatred from His Father

He is unrecognisable
A heap of sin
Stinking, unwashable sin –
“The chastisement for our peace was now upon the Son”
He can call him his Father no more
“Eloi Eloi Lama sabachthani”?
“My God, My God ?”
“Why have you abandoned me?”
The Great Sacrifice
The Father turns to rest of the world
It is all clean
All pleasant
Sinners no more
Reproachable no more
The Great Breach
Has been repaired
The relationship
That Adam enjoyed with The Father
That was promised to Abraham

The weight of sin overwhelms his mortal frame
He hands over his Mother to his beloved John
The demons descend to hell with the Chosen one
The Great Sacrifice is complete!

Earthquake! Thunder!
The veil in the Temple tears into two
Ripped by a Mighty Invisible Hand
Like the one which appeared to Belshazzar
When he defied the Holy Vessels from Yahweh’s Temple
The Breach is repaired!!

- SCENE 8 –

Down in Hell
The demons rejoice
Satan is gleeful –
For a day or so –
The still remains of the Saviour
Lie in the borrowed Tomb
Of Joseph of Arimathea
They celebrate
With the Keys of death and Hades
They feel in charge –

On the third day
Brightest light ever
Immense power –
He arises!!
Much to their shock and horror
This cannot be
They shriek
He was dead
Hope had been lost
He snatches the keys of death and Hades
Bursts out of Hell
They are too dazed to follow
Too beaten and blinded
It is finished –
The Breach has been repaired forever

- SCENE 9 –

He who has the Son has life
No more bloodied sacrifices
Nothing dead that’s lost
It’s Victory forever!
HE now sits at the right hand of the Father
As the Great Advocate
High Priest
And comes with those HE has rescued
From the fangs of the Evil ones
All seated at His side
With him
With the Father
Ruling together
Judging together
In-charge together



Thank you so much for your comment. I will try to respond to it as soon as possible.