Today I have chosen to accept that Christian Pastors are human beings
That they try to follow Christ as best they can.
That they err just like we -the flock- do.
That in some cases they might misinterprete the Bible and prejudge in others.
That like the Lord Jesus Christ, they get angry and wallop the unrepentant or stubborn flock.
That their calling is a tough one -
That I will respect the fact that at least they are trying to follow God
Today I have chosen to believe that Pastors need my prayers more than I need theirs.

That they get hungry and need to eat.
...and to dress up
That they are human enough to desire good, nice and pleasant things.
That some are really way off the right path -
That there is a remnant exemplary enough to speak out against evil and compromise.
That there are principled ones who will shun greed and strive to be disciplined
Today, I choose to pray for all those Pastors in my Life and in the world.
May the Lord put a shield of protection around them
May He lead them not into temptation
May HE deliver them from evil.
Today i choose to pray that the Lord will give Pastors grace
And a peace that surpasses all understanding -
That HE will also give them discernment to do what is right -
Even where we do not agree.
Today I pray-
May the Lord show them - and us- his continued abundant mercies
And the way of truth.