Friday, February 03, 2012

"Today is what Mama?"

''Borrowed'' from a certain CKR

"Today is what Mama?" the answer to that question is a month of the year. A few weeks ago Damita posed this famous question and i responded June. This response brought such joy her face lit up. Mama is June 1st? i said yes. Each following day i was reminded that is was June 2nd till this Saturday when we made it to June 12th. it was like Christmas fever in Damita's heart for the 13th of June was her big day. Saturday night our usual lights out at 9pm was impossible to meet for by 11pm Damita was wide awake.

 I pestered and threatened but she would not burg. She later brought me a note and watched as i read it. "Mama am not happy am sad". for someone who had been extremely excited about her birthday i found this very odd. we proceeded to mummy's bed where we sat and i asked her what was making her sad, she told me that her bicycle was broken and i told her that she would be able to get another, she then informed me that she was sad coz her daddy was not there and yet tomorrow was her birthday. i held her close as she sobbed and then told her that her daddy had sent her a present and that he would call her tomorrow. I eventually managed to get her into bed.

The big day arrived and i was up at 6am only to discover she was very much awake. "Mama today is my birthday" yes my dear but why are up so early?" i cannot sleep lasnite. i dreamt of my birthday" happy birthday my baby number one". the Joy on her face was priceless. she is normally very jovial yesterday she was worse than a cricket jumping and laughing like the world was all around her. Mama I am 5 years old i was often reminded. yes Damita you are a big girl now. Bath time like in most other families is one where we have to wrestle to get the girls in the bathroom especially when they are watching cartoons or busy in their color books, well not this morning Damita quickly run to the bathroom and proceeded to brush her teeth and bathe herself. she didn't want any delays on this big day.

As we left home she looked out of the car window and told me..."mama those people are walking they don't know today is my birthday" i reminded her that i did and so did many others. her words reminded me of how often I have felt in moments of great excitement and sadly also in depression that people as they go about there business were oblivious to what i was going through.

We got home after a long day and i asked her what she had like the most about her birthday and she told me she liked her bible, the crayons and a new jacket she had got. she also told me she liked the cake very much. it was a chocolate cream cake i reminded her to which remark she responded "no Mama Black forest.............

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