Sunday, February 28, 2010


The dust is settled
Bicycle treads are long gone
the church steeple is vanished
my eyes caress the horizon
Forget me not

The warmth of your breath
the sweetness of your kiss
the scent of your perfume
Mere trickles of my blackened dreams
Forget me not

The sun is asleep
the swallows are gone
your memory evaporates
my mind hardly imagines
Forget me not

Your touch I miss
your laughter I desire
your prayers I beseech
your music I prefer
Forget me not

The skies are gloom
the fears are horses
Deep longings I harbor
cold hearts I lodge
Forget me not

Yet clasp the memory of my frame
Cherish the rusk of my voice
Treasure the scent of my brow
resurrect the twang of my guitar
Forget me not

Relieve the warmth of my chest
Glorify the strength of my ego
Pierce the blackness of forgetfulness
Pen down the thoughts I provoke
Forget me not

Magnify the picture of our youth
Prepare the seat of my preference
Wipe away the tears of loneliness
Water the roses of romance
Forget me not

Copyright ©2010 Daniel Ronald Ruhweza

1 comment:

Thank you so much for your comment. I will try to respond to it as soon as possible.