Monday, June 24, 2024

 When you find the girl......

 By Clare K Ruhweza 

My son; a time will come in your life when you will see the girl and your heart will beat and your mind will race and you will want to say things but words might fail you.

I hope you remember my words.......

To find a girl of great personality; a woman within a girl. One who wears wisdom and peace, graceful and kind, bold and industrious. One not afraid to complement you and point out where you are challenged.

Find a girl that loves the Lord for this will be the connection and source of your values. Do not fall for the outward beauty and charm "for charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting"


Find a girl that is practical and not afraid to do the odd things, one with an opinion but respectful.

May she amuse you with her wit, challenge you with her intellect and surprise you with her creativity. Find the girl next door that will listen to you and grow to respect you. One that has deep family roots and has a good head on her shoulders. You have been raised by strong mothers and grandmothers; women who have been partners and supports in their homes.


And you my son must......

Have courage to walk up to her and speak to her from a place of conviction and genuine truth


Focus on the character and bring out the best aspects of the girl.

You must learn to notice the little things for "God is in the details". Study her and bring out the rare aspects that show her beauty...... in and out

Not be afraid to be yourself and bring out your best side but be vulnerable for her to know your weaknesses; no one wants a fraud. But let me remind you; brutal honesty doesn't cut it. 

A kind word spoken in truth is like "apples of gold in settings of silver"


Be prepared and take your time, to speak as one who has empathy and understanding. Kindness and chivalry are still very much in demand

You must be a man's man. Decisive but considerate, firm and gentle all wrapped up together

Have a plan, at the least an idea of where you are heading. We girls want to work on projects and must be given a dream.

Its okay to be rejected and life will present plenty opportunities for you to learn this truth. Learn to accept it with grace. Sometimes you have to walk away.


Be generous but be wise...


A little secret.... a NO today is not a NO tomorrow.... focus on friendship and building trust. You can win her over in the long run.

Show up, man up and to go the extra mile.

My son there is so much I must teach you......this is only lesson one.