Saturday, July 03, 2021

Of eternity


Death is around us. None of us knows how much time we have here

 *Question:* Since we are spirits that live in bodies, how are you preparing for eternity? When we leave these earthly bodies, that is not the end. *So, how are you preparing your spirit for eternity?*

_Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, 28 so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him._ *Hebrews 9:27-28 NIV*

🙋🏽‍♂️Inbox and lets talk more

Shiela Karungi Mugyenzi

 To Keith, Matthew and Arthur

On behalf of the Monks

The young men who frequented your home in Buganda Road

Ate all your food and drank all your juice

On behalf of those adoloscent filled boys 

That took over your sitting room and made it their own

Slept in your beds and enjoyed your company

Those who joked on the phones and made prank calls to Mom at work

We cried and laughed in that house

When love relationships failed

We converged and strengthened each other

When jobs went right we celebrated at the kitchen table

At cleaned out the fridge

On behalf of those young men

Who looked up to Shiela 

Sometimes as sunday school teacher 

and then as tough big sister

But also as the one with rare jokes

And a beautiful smile 

We mourn deeply with you

Keith, Matthew and Arthur

Our sister Sheila was amazing and loving

We are all speechless and our Whatsapp Group is now silent 

We loved you Shiela

We respected you

We honoured you and enjoyed being with you

Yours was a melting pot

Where our Ganda, Alur, Toro, Nyoro, Kiga and Nyankole roots merged

We know that Shiela is in glory 

We know she will tell Mom 

About how far we have come

We still love the Lord 

We have grown to live our lives 

We honour our wives

We love justice, we are present fathers

We work hard and do mercy

and we bless the Lord for having known Sheila, her brothers Keith and Matthew

Their dear wives, children and extended family

Rest in glory Sheila

We are the Monks

Very grateful for the impact on our lives
