Sunday, May 30, 2021

The Challenge


I got a challenging word this morning

Imagine this was our last day on earth amd we were going to meet our Lord and King Jesus at the end of the  day

How would we prepare? What urgent matter would you seek to clear? 

What would you tell your friends or acquaintances about where you are going? Wouldn't you want to tell them to give their lives to Christ?  Wouldn't you push hard _*anagkazo!*_ to bring in the harvest before you meet the King? 

_*Would you remain shy? Or too concerned about your reputation?*_

Imagine you are driving on a high way and you know that the road has collapsed. 

Wouldn't you stop any passing truck to tell them to stop lest they fall through to damnation?

Let us similarly *today* not waste a single minute to desperately tell our workmates, housemates, clan mate or even thar stranger on the street that the Lord loves them. Tell that nurse, that auber driver, rhe court clerk, the chapati seller, the street sweeper of the treasure in you

Preach friends. *PREACH!!!!!*

Tell them about the Lord

You have the words that heal!

You have the solution to the heart!


Tell them about our Lord and King

Ignore the excuses. Ignore the reasons telling you not do it. Obey the call the make a Disciple today. Reach out and pray for that sick person. Offer the eternal water to that thirsty one. Let the Lord do the rest but do your part. 🙏🏽

God bless you 🙋🏽‍♂️

I await the testimonies today today today