Friday, September 06, 2024


On the day
The bride was glamorous and magnificent
Like a true twinkling star

On this day
Reverend Stephen Bamutungire convened Church service
Like a true Man of God

On this day
Anthony Kakooza drove the vehicles to and from Church like Michael Schumacher

On this day
Eric Hatanga oversaw the service of the meals like a Master Chef

On this day
Arora was in charge of the Groom like a doting father

On this day
Joyce and Cathy were by the Bride like two wings of a bird

On this day
Daddys, Mummys, bridemaids and groomsmen waltzed into Church and Hall
Like true royalty

On this day
Friends and family
Acquaintances and
Gathered together in celebration

On this day
The Lord came smiling upon us
Like the bright morning Sun

On this day
We celebrate
And continue to do so

On this day

Happy Wedding Anniversary to us

06. 09. 2024

Wednesday, September 04, 2024


Love is

Long phone calls deep into the night

Long stares deep into big eyes

Loud laughter

And giggles aplenty

Love is

The glance into the wells of your loved ones eyes

Communicating everything

But saying nothing

Love is

The long hold of the lovers' hands

The tight hugs and side smiles

Whispers, Whispers, Whispers

The squeeze of hand

Which sends thrills down the spine

Love is

The patient wait for the bride

To walk down the aisle

To ululations and hand claps

And signs of relief

Love is

Imperfect perfections

Missed phone calls

And mistaken words

Burnt amaido and misplaced socks

Love is

The long nights awake

Awaiting the dear one

From a long journey

Love is


Childish fights

Stilled tempers

And passionate reconciliations

Love Is

The mingling of posho and kaalo

The peeling of mbooli and servings of envuluga

Love is the back rub and foot scrub

The belly massage

Expecting the new baby

Love is 

The Groom laying down His life

For the bride

Like Christ did for us

His church


Love is 

Michael and Sandra Bageya
doing life together 







Wednesday, July 03, 2024


Receiving salvation or getting saved a.k.a born again does not mean that I am better than the next person. It rather means that I have failed on my own attempts. It means that I am in desparate need of a saviour because I cannot (and will never do it) on my own

The one who is saved or born again is like the leper who went to Jesus Christ for (and received) healing. He or she had been erstwhile cast away from society and I think (s)he had to walk with a bell to announce his unclean presence. He was the rejected of society. The kind who would live outside the camp of the people of the Lord or outside the Walls of Jerusalem so as to avoid infecting others with the deadly plague/leprosy

The C.V. of the sinner before (s)he received Christ reads of death, failure, damnation to death, being unsuccessful, riddled with sin like an infestation of ticks and jiggers. Then, arrives the Saviour with the perfect antidote - The perfect medicine – The perfect silver arrow that CLEANSES everything and clothes one with a new garment  ... 🙏🏾

Even if I fasted ad infinitum

Even if I prayed every hour

Even if I sacrificed my choicest bull ...let alone my son 

Even If I whipped my self to the bone

None of the above can save me from Hell fire

But just like the wrestler shouts " I SUBMIT..." in order to be rescued from the choke hold around his neck 

So do I shout "I SURRENDER ALL"

To my Saviour and My King Jesus

Monday, June 24, 2024

 When you find the girl......

 By Clare K Ruhweza 

My son; a time will come in your life when you will see the girl and your heart will beat and your mind will race and you will want to say things but words might fail you.

I hope you remember my words.......

To find a girl of great personality; a woman within a girl. One who wears wisdom and peace, graceful and kind, bold and industrious. One not afraid to complement you and point out where you are challenged.

Find a girl that loves the Lord for this will be the connection and source of your values. Do not fall for the outward beauty and charm "for charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting"


Find a girl that is practical and not afraid to do the odd things, one with an opinion but respectful.

May she amuse you with her wit, challenge you with her intellect and surprise you with her creativity. Find the girl next door that will listen to you and grow to respect you. One that has deep family roots and has a good head on her shoulders. You have been raised by strong mothers and grandmothers; women who have been partners and supports in their homes.


And you my son must......

Have courage to walk up to her and speak to her from a place of conviction and genuine truth


Focus on the character and bring out the best aspects of the girl.

You must learn to notice the little things for "God is in the details". Study her and bring out the rare aspects that show her beauty...... in and out

Not be afraid to be yourself and bring out your best side but be vulnerable for her to know your weaknesses; no one wants a fraud. But let me remind you; brutal honesty doesn't cut it. 

A kind word spoken in truth is like "apples of gold in settings of silver"


Be prepared and take your time, to speak as one who has empathy and understanding. Kindness and chivalry are still very much in demand

You must be a man's man. Decisive but considerate, firm and gentle all wrapped up together

Have a plan, at the least an idea of where you are heading. We girls want to work on projects and must be given a dream.

Its okay to be rejected and life will present plenty opportunities for you to learn this truth. Learn to accept it with grace. Sometimes you have to walk away.


Be generous but be wise...


A little secret.... a NO today is not a NO tomorrow.... focus on friendship and building trust. You can win her over in the long run.

Show up, man up and to go the extra mile.

My son there is so much I must teach you......this is only lesson one. 

Friday, May 17, 2024

THANK YOU CPA Frederick Wanume Kibbedi

This message was "penned" by CPA Frederick Wanume Kibbedi. It is a very humbling message and I am most grateful and extremely humbled to you CPA. 

Thank you very much for your kind words. It was such an honour to serve with you all

Good Bless you CPA Frederick Wanume Kibbedi

Celebrating the Visionary Leadership of Daniel Ronald Ruhweza

As the sun sets on another chapter in the storied history of the Mwiri Old Boys Association, we commemorate the remarkable tenure of President Daniel Ronald Ruhweza.

Renowned for his unwavering dedication and visionary leadership, Ruhweza's impact on the Mwiri fraternity is truly unparalleled. During his time at the helm, he presided over a series of transformative initiatives that have left an indelible mark on the institution he holds dear.

The rehabilitation of the residential houses for both teachers and students stands as a testament to his commitment to providing a conducive environment for learning and growth. The re-roofing of the School Mess ensured that the sustenance of the Mwiri family remained a top priority. And the restoration of the cherished school chapel, a sacred space that holds immense significance for the Mwiri faithful, is a testament to his deep-rooted faith and desire to nurture the spiritual well-being of the community.

Ruhweza's leadership also saw the growth of the Life Membership initiative, a program that has strengthened the bonds between past and present Mwiri students, fostering a sense of belonging and unity that transcends generations. The revitalized Mwiri League and the growth of Mwiri Investment SACCO further solidified his vision of empowering the Mwiri fraternity through innovative platforms for networking, collaboration, and financial security.

But Ruhweza's impact extended beyond the physical infrastructure and practical initiatives. His unwavering support for the Mwiri Mentorship program and the revitalization of the Scripture Union showcased his dedication to nurturing the next generation of Mwiri leaders, instilling in them the values and principles that have defined the institution for decades.

As Ruhweza hands over the reins of the Mwiri Old Boys Association, he leaves behind a legacy of excellence, innovation, and a renewed sense of pride and purpose within the Mwiri family. His thoughtful leadership, public oratory skills, and deep-rooted commitment to the betterment of his alma mater have cemented his status as a true icon, not only within the Mwiri community but also in the broader realms of academia and civic engagement.

As we bid farewell to Ruhweza's tenure as President, we can't help but look to the future with a renewed sense of optimism and anticipation. For the foundation he has laid, the dreams he has inspired, and the spirit he has reignited will undoubtedly pave the way for the continued growth and success of Busoga College Mwiri – an academic giant that will forever bear the imprint of this visionary leader. For God and Our Country 

CPA Frederick Wanume Kibbedi

Thursday, May 16, 2024


By Kacha Jimmy

As a fresher in December 2018, I had an opportunity to attend the Maleness and Manhood meeting organized by Dr. Daniel Ruhweza. As young people who had just joined university education, we had heard so many voices (the good and bad, the encouraging ones and those that were meant to swerve us from the idea of our identity as Men).

The discussions were divided in two 2 sessions. The first session we were always divided in two groups; MEN had a discussion as men and then the WOMEN also had their own discussions Thereafter, we would have a joint session where we shared ideas and thoughts on the theme.

As I listened to the speakers, I started to have a clearer understanding of the difference between a Male and a MAN; having been to only single sex schools from primary one to Senior Six where we preferred to be called men and not boys by our teachers, the discussion helped me to understand that a man is one who carries on certain principles in life as a piece created by God.

Through the many discussions we have heard on this theme, I have been able to understand that I have a responsibility to leave the world in a better state than I found it. Responsibility as to my family, friends, and the society. MEN do not ask for things to be done; MEN get things done. Jesus was the epitome of manhood, stalwart in mission, bold, obedient to the point of death, fearless in His proclamation of truth, sacrificial in His acts of love, and resolved to do His Father’s will. Jesus had force, authority, and control in a way that marked Him as virile and robust.

I am excited for the Saturday Discussion and invite all of you for this great opportunity to unlearn and learn. 

Jimmy Kacha


Monday, May 13, 2024

Happy Mother's Day

 Happy Mother's Day

To the one who made me

A Father

To the most generous 

Loving, kind and helpful Mom

To the one who never never never gives up on her children

To the beautiful in heart and appearance Mom

To the most hardworking 

Most zealous 

Most considerate

Most sacrificial Mom I know

Thank you for loving your children

Thank you for caring 

Thank you for thinking of them before yourself 

God bless you

We love you big big big


Thursday, May 09, 2024


By D R Ruhweza

May 9th 2024

When I was walking today 

I realised what a blessed man I am

Not because of fat bank accounts and hectares of land

Not in position and influence 


It is not in what I do not have

But what I have

Starting with the ability to walk

The eyes to see the beauty around me

The nose to smell the rain and clean air of the morning

The ears to hear the hussle and bustle of the morning traffic .

The mind to medidate on a marvellous and awesome God 

And the heart to think of my family friends, mentors, mentees, acquaintances church and workplace

That and so much more

What are you grateful for?